

If you want to gain physical strength, it’s essential that you start lifting weights. But if you want to get stronger, you need to lift heavy weights. Heavy weights and proper form will go hand in hand to build muscle. There are several benefits to strength training. Unlike fat tissue, muscle tissue continues to burn calories when you are inactive. Building muscles also strengthens bones and connective tissues. Research indicates that strength training can increase metabolic rate by 15%.

The most important exercises include bench presses, shoulder presses, squats and deadlifts, and rows. Bodyweight exercises, such as pull-ups, push-ups, dips, and inverted rows are excellent ways to build strength and muscle without the use of weights.

Large muscles, such as those in your chest, back, legs and shoulders, withstand higher amounts of weight. Smaller muscles groups, such as the biceps, triceps, calves and lateral bend of the deltoids don't respond well to heavy weight. Isolation work for each the smaller muscles is best.

A strong core is critical to overall strength. Many exercises require a tight, strong abdominal core. In addition to training abdominal muscles directly, Pilates is an excellent way to build core strength.

There are many videos on the internet that give excellent demonstrations of technique. The video below will give you an starting point to increasing your strength and overall health.

Scott Herman's "Body Weight" Workout